Thursday, January 26, 2012

A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - January 26 (Day 26)

Reading about the church in Asia never fails to motivate and inspire me. I love the persecuted church that exists in most of the continent, the underground church in China, the Secret Believers of the Asian world, the prayer warriors of Iran, the 5 a.m. calls to prayer in Korea. I see the dynamic church in Asia as a huge gift to the western church. They have much to teach us, and there are some wonderful resources from Asian believers if you are interested in learning more.

For today we are going to focus on thanking God for this beautiful part of the world and His work there. Are you ready to get excited with me? Please read pages. 59-61, "Answers to Prayer", then return here for our prayer time. When you finish praising God, please watch the video and begin to pray freedom over the list of nations on page 57. Let's ask God for an outpouring of His Spirit as many from around the world focus on Asia in prayer this week!

My prayer for today: Lord, I am so excited about what You have been up to in Asia! Your work there speaks to Your glory alone, just as it should be. Oh Lord, only You could bring such dynamic church growth in just 20 years! Thank You for what You've been up to in China, India, Nepal, Iran, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam, and even North Korea. We rejoice that with few exceptions, believers are meeting in public fellowships and we thank You for the creative ways that Christians are gathering where there are no public churches. Thank You that there are too many breakthroughs among the unreached to list! What an awesome testimony and we thank You for every prayer, every church that adopted a people group, every missionary that laid down his or her life for the sake of the Gospel. Thank You for the transformation in progress in China and the harvest in India; for the dear-to-my-heart Muslim Background Believers and those who are reaching them. Thank You for the leaders from Asia and how You have taught me much from their writings. Thank You for the missionaries that Asian churches send out and I especially thank You for China's vision of the Back to Jerusalem concept. Help missionaries from all countries and agencies and denominations to work together in unity. Thank You for the increased stability within Asia that is opening the door for the Gospel.

Lord, I want to pray freedom over each of the Asian countries. We hear through these praises the sound of them worshipping and calling out for more people to take the message to the rest of Asia. We pray for You to release laborers for the harvest and open doors throughout Asia. We pray for Asians to fall on their knees and experience the kingdom coming near to them. We ask You to tear down strongholds, break them, and tell the powers of darkness to flee in the presence of Your coming kingdom. Lord, give Asia total freedom. We pray this over each Asian country Lord: Afghanistan; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Brunei; Cambodia; China; Hong Kong; Macau; Taiwan; Georgia; India; Indonesia; Iran; Iraq; Israel; Japan; Jordan; Kazakhstan; North andSouth Korea; Kuwait; Kyrgystan; Laos; Lebanon; Malaysia; Maldives; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; Oman; Pakistan; Palestine; Philippines; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; Sri Lanka; Syria; Tajikistan; Thailand; Timor Leste; Turkey; Turkmenistan; UAE; Uzbekistan; Vietnam; Yemen. We speak the Lordship of Christ over these far-flung lands. Lord, they are Yours. Draw them into Your presence to experience true freedom.

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