Sunday, March 18, 2012

Praying for Brazil: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - March 18 (Day 78)

Today we conclude our prayers for Brazil. Please review pages 162-169, with a special focus on #9-12.

My prayer for today: Lord, we ask Your forgiveness for decimating the people that You placed in the Americas, and for continuing to allow their destruction by not loving them with Your love. We pray that You would change hearts and minds in Brazil to honor and love the indigenous population. We pray for wisdom in protection and guiding them to be full members of society - not isolating them but engaging them for good and not evil. We pray for more Bible translators and for quick work to complete the task. We pray for the younger generation - raise up ministry to children and young people. We pray especially for the children who are prostitutes and homeless. Lord, intervene in their lives and give Christians boldness to raise awareness about these issues and address the root causes of the problem. Lord, continue to guide those missionaries in Brazil to truly serve the Brazilian church rather than take a lead role. Let Your kingdom come, Your will be done throughout this lovely land. In Jesus' name, amen.

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