Saturday, March 31, 2012

Prayer for Central African Republic: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - March 31 (Day 91)

For the next two days, we are praying for the Central African Republic - a landlocked nation that truly is in the center of Africa. With a president who came to power through a coup and then was elected in fair elections, poor infrastructure, repeated rebellions, and a wealth of underdeveloped resource potential, CRA is a boiling pot for problems. But God is at work, and we see a church growing stronger. Let's pray today for the impact the church can have in this country. Read pages 201-205.

My prayer for today: Lord, we thank You for what You are doing in the Central African Republic. We praise You for the emerging national church in CRA and that You are using it for service and witness. We praise You for the Bible translation efforts and ask for their success. We ask for wisdom in the strategy for missions and evangelism that crosses denominational lines, and we pray for unity among the churches as they reach unreached people groups. Lord, within this nation the physical needs are real and seem overwhelming. Use the church to be catalyst for peace, for meeting economic and health care needs, and for demonstrating to CRA what it looks like for Your kingdom to come, Your will to be done on this earth. We pray for the church to be pure, free of syncretism with strong leaders and unity. Thank You Lord, for Your work in CRA. Show the church how they can join in with what You are already doing.In Jesus' name, amen.

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