Over 200 years ago, William Carey left London to minister in India, becoming the "Father of Modern Missions". While mission work was going on among Catholic friars in the "New World", with only a few exceptions Protestant churches had largely focused on denominational development and doctrinal distinctives rather than fulfilling the Great Commission. William Carey eventually became the first person to translate the Bible into Bengali - then after the work was destroyed in a fire, he completed it again. (For more on Carey, see Christian History magazine #36.)
Yet today, the Bengali remain the largest unreached people group in the world. The fallow ground that Carey helped to break up still needs to be planted and watered, and the need is great for laborers to the harvest that will come from this part of the world.
Today, please review pages 132-136, then let's pray together for the things that God has put on our hearts about Bangladesh.
My prayer for today: Oh Lord, my heart cries out to You for Bangladesh. The depth of the need is so great there, Lord - and yet we know that You are more than sufficient to supply. Thank You for the progress in the fight against poverty and the growth among believers. Thank You for the creative means You are using to communicate the Gospel relationally. We pray, Lord, for both the Muslim and Hindu background believers to be strong in their understanding of Your Word and diligent in holding firmly to You as Lord. We pray for the large unreached Bengali population throughout the world - we ask You to use all the creative means available to reach them. Please call out laborers for the harvest - from among the Bengali believers, from among similar people groups, and even from among the larger body of Christ throughout the world. Lord, my heart is especially burdened for those who follow You from within their original cultural and religious contexts - those who are in "Jesus Mosques" or follow You in a Hindu context. Lord, guide them with amazing wisdom and discernment. I cannot begin to know all the implications of this decision, Lord, but I do know that You are with them, that the darkness is not too dark for You. Shine the light of Your truth into their worlds and let them be bold witnesses for You. Give them grace and strength to face persecution and to resist compromise. Give them special wisdom to know the difference between something that is simply cultural and something that would lead to compromising the Gospel. Continue to teach them and give them leaders who can discern what You are saying to the church in Bangladesh. Lord, I pray also for unity among Christians from Hindu and Muslim backgrounds - You have torn down the dividing wall, and Jesus You are our peace. Let them exemplify that reality today Lord. In the precious name of Jesus, amen.
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