Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Praying for Belgium: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - March 6 (Day 66)

Imagine a country ravaged by wars, experiencing losses of such magnitude that it provided material for famous poetry.

Imagine a country that currently sees a potential breakup as a very real possibility.

Imagine that in this country, the Bible was discouraged and even banned for centuries by the dominant church tradition.

Imagine that that country today has full freedom of religion, yet is filled with a large majority of people for whom religion is largely irrelevant.

This is Belgium.

Yet Belgium is more than the heaviness of its history and the apathy of today. Belgium is also filled with numerous immigrant believers and growing unity, with a solid growth among evangelicals. God is working in Belgium. Let's join Him today and tomorrow with our prayers. Please read pages 141-145.

My prayer for today: Lord, we thank You for working in Belgium. The history of this country and its modern outlook are grim. Yet we see that even here what You are up to under the surface goes far beyond what is seen. Thank You for the immigrant believers and for the growth of the evangelical church. Thank You fo the unity that has happened in a very short time. Thank You for the steps toward ntaional repentance that have been taken related to the Congo. Lord, we ask You to continue to work in Belgium. We ask You to heal its divisions. Give wisdom to the leaders and allow the church to be an example of unity, reconciliation, and peace. We pray that healing from fear and damages of war will be complete. We pray for revival within the Catholic church. We ask You to continue to be at work in countless seen and unseen ways. In Jesus' name, amen.

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