Saturday, March 17, 2012

Praying for Brazil: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - March 17 (Day 77)

Today we continue to pray for Brazil. Our focus will be points #5-8 on pages 166-167. Please review Brazil and as we have before, ask God to give you His heart as we pray together.

My prayer for today: Lord of the Harvest, we thank You for sending laborers for the harvest from Brazil. Thank You for the passion and enthusiasm they bring to the field and for their unique giftedness. We pray Lord for good wisdom for the preparation process. Raise up more training opportunities for Brazilians who intend to be missionaries. We pray for those missionaries from Brazil who are serving to be well-supported, fruitful, and wise. Teach their churches to be good senders and guide them to have expectations that are realistic and helpful. We pray for solid support teams for every Brazilian missionary. And Lord, we pray for the needs within Brazil. Guide churches to strategize and work together to reach every corner of Brazil, as well as every immigrant population. We thank You that there are so many opportunities within Brazil; awaken the church to see her role in every aspect of ministry. In Jesus' name, amen.

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