Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Praying for Botswana: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - March 14 (Day 74)

God has done some great things in Botswana! Economic stability, a multiparty democracy, complete freedom of religion ... Botswana provides glimpses of God's kingdom "on earth as it is in heaven". Through the example of Jesus and the apostles, we see what is sometimes called the "two-handedness" of the Gospel ... a Gospel that offers temporal help and eternal hope. Gospel actions that are never separated from the message, but the two are truly inseparable.

And yet Botswana has much need today. The enemy is trying to utterly destroy it with AIDS - it has the second highest prevalence of AIDS in the world. Remarkable, "Not a single church exists whose membership is unaffected by AIDS." There is much opportunity for help even now. Let us learn about and pray for Botswana today. Please read pages 159-162 and then watch the video below as we pray together with this Botswanan believer.

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