Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Praying for Rwanda: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - October 17

Today's prayer focus is a country that's been in the news a lot the last couple of decades. As with most regions of the world, what we see on the news has skewed our thinking. Please learn more about Rwanda on pages 719-723 and the notes from a Rwandan believer studying in the U.S. Then, please watch the video below, and then pray along with this Rwandan man.

Rwanda is a tiny country located in the heart of Africa. It's about the size of Maryland State but has twice as many people. It is Africa's most densely populated nation. 56.5% of Rwanda's population is Roman Catholic, 26% is Protestant, 11.1% is Seventh-day Adventist, 4.6% is Muslim, 1.7% claims no religious affiliation, and 0.1% practices traditional indigenous beliefs.This land of a thousand hills is known for its beautiful terrain and inhabitants, mountain gorillas and, unfortunately, the 1994 genocide.

In April 1994, the country experienced one of history’s most atrocious genocides. In just 100 days, close to one million ethnic Tutsi and moderate Hutu sympathizers lost their lives to the hands of extremist Hutu militia. This civil war left many people either dead, orphaned or widowed. A lot of wounds were inflicted—either emotional, spiritual or physical—some of which are almost impossible to heal. How such feelings of murder and resentment conspired within the minds of some Rwandans remains a mystery to many. But as a believer in the creator God, it is not difficult to understand that this was nothing short of the devil’s work. He was a murderer from the beginning and he influences many to do the same.

In the wake of the genocide, the country under great leadership put forth various efforts to rebuild the Nation into a peace loving society. The government called upon the church to lead the country in reconciliation as it looked to eradicate the animosity between the two ethnic groups. God is His sovereignty and infinite wisdom appointed leaders who promoted religious liberty and acknowledged that reconciliation was not possible without the church’s intervention and guidance.

Even though Rwanda is doing very well as one of the fastest growing economies in the world, the pain of the genocide rests heavily upon many hearts. Without an understanding and appreciation of God’s love as revealed in His Son Jesus Christ, many find it impossible to forgive and be healed of their emotional and spiritual wounds.

Please pray that God will: 
- Continue to raise up workers in His vineyard to share the precious message of reconciliation about Christ’s death, resurrection and soon return.
- through His Spirit move upon His church body so that they will earnestly seek a revival of primitive godliness; that they may be emboldened and empowered to share His message in love
- Bless the leaders of the nation with wisdom to continue to promote religious liberty and guide the nation into greater economic and social development.

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