Friday, October 26, 2012

Prayers for Slovakia: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - October 26

As we pray for Slovakia today, we'll zero in on a country with a Christian heritage that needs a new move of of the Holy Spirit. Please read pages 747-749.

My prayer for today: Oh Lord, how thankful we are for the Christian heritage of Slovakia. We thank You for this strong foundation and for the changes that have come to bring economic reforms in this land. We pray for new life in Your Holy Spirit. we pray for many to seek Your hope and truth in the midst of high suicide and depression rates. Lord, show them what a difference You can make in their lives as well as their days! We pray for the church to meet the challenge of cults and for the evangelical denominations as they reach out in church planting. We pray for sound Biblical training and wise foreign missions collaborations. We pray Slovaks will catch the vision to evangelize not only their land, but the world. In Jesus' name, amen.

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