Friday, June 01, 2012

Praying for Germany: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - June 1 (Day 153)

Today we conclude our three days of prayer for Germany. Please review pages 359-364.

A pastor in Germany sent the following prayer requests to add to our list:

Pray for Awakening and discernment Among Leaders and Christians. Pray also for Revival and God's move among Calvary Chapel, especially Siegen and Düsseldorf.

My prayer for today: Lord, we continue to lift up Germany, especially the church. We pray for sound theological teaching. Lord, come against the stronghold of questioning Your Word. Thank You for the sound teachers who are starting to gain positions in prominent schools. We pray for many ways of teaching and training to emerge with sound Biblical doctrine. We pray for successful accreditation for Biblically sound schools. Lord, we pray for an awakening for missionary vision like never before. We pray for the church to see the need to support missionaries and that many would be called as laborers to the harvest. Lord, we pray for insight for reaching the youth where only 2% claim to be believers. We pray for the events aimed to youth to be attractive and for strong campus ministries. We pray for wisdom for the church in reaching Germany where most of the population is in effect unreached. We pray for You to raise up a church in every town in Germany and ask Your guidance for those doing church planting to have wisdom and protection. Lord, minister to German church leaders as only You can. In Jesus' name, amen.

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