Friday, April 13, 2012

Praying for China Provinces and autonomous regions Hunan, Inner Mongolia, and Jiangsu: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey, April 13 (Day 103)

Today please read pages 237-239, Hunan, Inner Mongolia, and Jiangsu.

As we pray for China, it's helpful to put real faces to the Christians there. Please watch the video below and  grasp a bit of the heart of this worshipper from Inner Mongolia. My prayer for today follows the video.

My prayer for today: Lord, thank You for this believer and his message of putting You in front of us so the world can see Love. You are Love, and You Love the Chinese. We pray for Hunan province to experience a spiritual breakthrough based on Your love. Raise up leaders for the church so they can be prepared for the harvest. We pray for Inner Mongolia to experience the blessing of having Your word in their language. May the presence of Scripture lead to more and more coming to know You as Your word does not return void. And for Jinagsu, we thank You for church growth and ask You to continue to build Your church. We pray for protection over Nanjing and ask You to bless it for the blessing it is to so many. We seek You for the good of this city, Lord. In Jesus' name, amen.


Robin said...

Amen! I'll pray with you. <3 Robin

Robin said...

Amen! I'll be praying

Pray4Hunan said...

Thank you for the prayers offered up on behalf of the 70 million people of Hunan, China.