Thursday, April 19, 2012

Prayer for China provinces Yunnan and Zheijiang: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - April 19 (Day 110)

Today we conclude our prayers for the provinces and regions of China by praying for two final provinces. The next 4 days will cover the "special administrative regions" of China which function separately in many ways. For today, please read pages 250-251.

My prayer for today: Lord, please watch over the people of Yunnan and Zhejiang provinces. Minister your grace and love to them as they are bound by chains of darkness in many ways. Use the Christians in these regions, especially Zhejiang with such a high proportion, to take Your word to the rest of their regions. Bring spiritual breakthroughs as you have among so many Chinese people groups. Use the Christian businessmen to reach China. Help them to be ethical and Biblical in all their practices. Send laborers to the harvest and guide Christians to trust You as they move forward for Your kingdom. In Jesus' name, amen.

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