Saturday, September 22, 2012

Praying for Nigeria: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - September 22

Today, we conclude our prayer emphasis for Nigeria. Please review pages 641-652 and join me in prayer today.

My prayer for today: Lord, the needs in Nigeria are so great, yet we see You have raised up a strong praying church that is growing and developing a missions vision for the task You laid out before it. We pray for this church today. We pray against syncretism and prosperity teaching and ask that You establish the Nigerian church firmly in Your word. We pray for the church to see that pure religion is to help widows and orphans and to remain unstained by the world.  We pray against emotionalism and for sound leadership and solid teaching. We pray for the persecuted church within Nigeria. We pray all Nigerian believers would love and pray for the persecuted and seek wise ways to support them. We pray for the church to respond in unity and love to the threats surrounding it. Continue to growth the church and accomplish all Your good purposes in Nigeria. In Jesus' name, amen.

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