Saturday, September 01, 2012

Prayer for Micronesia: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - September 1

Today we pray for several island groups in the Pacific, collectively known as Micronesia. The Federated States, Marshall Islands, Northern Marianas, and Palau were formerly administered by the US, played key roles during World War II, and have had both the benefits and problems associated with significant western influence. They are predominantly Christian, but often with animistic customs as well. Please read pages 585-590.

My prayer for today: Lord, I lift up Micronesia to You. No nation is too great, no island too small to capture Your heart. In reality, every nation is written tenderly on Your heart, and You spilled Your precious blood for each of the people on these islands. We thank You that the Gospel message has gone forth and we pray for a full embracing of Biblical truths and a rejection of idolatry. We pray against consumerism and materialism from western influences. And we pray for You to protect believers from cults and false teachings. Guide them to know Your Word and be firmly established to not be deceived. We pray specifically for the Marshall Islands, with their tragic history of occupation, exploitation, and war and the nuclear bomb testing. The devastating effect of this on their health and lifestyle is heartbreaking. We pray for Marshallese in the US to encounter Your love and have their needs met in sustainable ways. We pray for Godly leadership in the churches. Lord, we repent for not thinking of the people on those islands when we tested the bombs. They are paying the price for our selfishness. We pray, Lord, for more opportunities to minister to their needs and to engage them in love and service. Thank You, Lord, for Your grace on the Marshallese and on us. In Jesus' name, amen.

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