Sunday, July 29, 2012

Praying for Jordan: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - July 29

Today we conclude our prayers for Jordan. Please review pages 494-497.

My prayer for today: Lord, we continue to lift up Jordan to You. We pray for the missions within Jordan. We pray for missionaries' lives to commend the Gospel and for open doors for sharing truth. We pray for the church in Jordan to grow in its missions vision; we ask that the Christians in prominent places will be faithful to Your Word and use their influence for good, not for selfish purposes. Lord, we pray for a host of Nehemiahs throughout the Jordanian government. We pray for the unreached especially the Palestinians who have been caught in the middle between Jewish and other Arab conflict and have not received what was promised. We pray for You to use Arab believers to share the Gospel and free Palestinians from bitterness and disillusionment. We pray for the success of the Christian bookstores in Amman; keep them safe and draw people to them. Give them creative ways to get the materials into the hands of the spiritually hungry. In Jesus' name, amen.

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