Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What Really Matters in the Darkness

If we live very long at all, we'll face dark days. It just goes with the territory - our fallen world at times blatantly invades our lives, and we feel as though the light goes out.

It may be overwhelming depression. It might take the form of a dreaded disease. It could be a day you think you might die. It could be tragedy to a loved one. Whatever it looks like, you are left groping like someone lost in a cave. You fervantly want to hold on to something solid - something that matters.

One the darkest days of our lives, all that really matters is relationship: with God and with others. Those relationships are all that survive this temporal realm, this fallen world, this present darkness. When we are certain that our standing before God is unchanged because we come through Christ, and when we know we have invested our lives in others and have authentic relationships with them, we can land on our feet in the tumult of darkness. We can have a stable point of reference as we grope our way back to the light.

So today, a reminder: Prioritize those relationships. No matter how "busy" you are, how task-oriented your personality, come face to face with what you would hold onto in the darkness. Then build it in the light. Develop the intimacy that will pull you through when you can't see up or down.

The day will come when we each discover what really matters. Let's make some advance preparations now.

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