Saturday, April 05, 2008

Night Watch

So many of you have experienced the power of answered prayer. From the side of things over here, one of the most exciting things is when God wakes me up to pray for one of you. I just love to feel included in what He is up to!

Perhaps for that reason, my friend's email today really touched me. She has been rallying a group of us to pray for a boy in Children's Hospital. She has prayed for him for years, and so is very sensitive to God's direction in prayer for Spencer. She put into words so beautifully what I've often felt, but never articulated, that I asked her permission to use her words here. My hope, my prayer is that you will be encouraged -- because even though she writes about Spencer, I've experienced this on your behalf. And I know many who would say the same.

The next time you are having a tough day, remember that God might be waking someone up on the other side of the world at that very moment. And we will get to be part of what He is doing for you.
Hey all. thanks for your continued prayers. I will never forget the things God has taught me and reminded me of through praying for Spencer. I knew when he was so close to death. My sister used to be his night nurse, so I knew from her, and from God. I woke up one night and I didn't know why I was awake. I tried to go back to sleep (I don't have probs going back to sleep if i wake up) so I got up and checked my emails, as we all do as soon as we wake up ha (or maybe it's just me) and I had an update that Spencer needed urgent prayer. That is when they put him on the oscillator.

So I started to pray. I knew God was allowing me to participate in what He was doing. I just knew. And I knew that Spencer was very close to death. As I prayed God was saying to me, "I can do this all by myself, but I'm allowing you a great oppertunity to participate in what I am doing." I prayed all night till sunrise that night. I went to bed and when I got up there was an update that Spencer had made it through the night and was stable.

I knew that so many of us had been praying for him. I felt our connection in prayer. Whatever had happened, I knew that God was in control, and I was privileged to be part of it. And part of being united in prayer with others. Prayer has changed for me as I have learned that it's about being in the prescence of God. I have always known that's what it is about, but I haven't always experienced it that way. Not as deeply as this has been. Just a few times in my life, this being one. And I am grateful.

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