Thursday, September 13, 2007

Experiencing Mercy

Have you experienced God's mercy?

If you are a believer in Christ, of course you have. But sometimes we forget that. Other religions proclaim that God is merciful; but only in Christianity is our faith based on experiencing that mercy.

Colin Chapman observes, "It is one thing to proclaim the mercy of God, but another to be sure of experiencing that mercy."

God's mercy means that He doesn't give us what we deserve. It means that we can be sure He isn't waiting for us to mess up. It means when we do sin, we can rest assured of God's willingness to forgive.

Sometimes it's hard to line up our feelings with our message. If God's mercy has become just a theological truth to you, rather than a certainty of experience, draw near to Him and allow Him to reveal Himself to you afresh. I'd love to pray for you about that need as well.

If you are certain of God's mercy, then trust that He can use that. It is a dramatic contrast from what the rest of the world experiences.

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