Monday, August 27, 2012

Praying for Mauritania: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 27

Today's prayer focus is Mauritania, in northern Africa. Please read pages 572-573.

My prayer for today: Oh Lord, Mauritania has been draped is such darkness for centuries. How we long for the day when you will destroy the veil that shrouds people from the truth (Isaiah 25:7). How we long for these precious people to know You in truth and grace. Lord, we pray for that day. We pray for the very real needs that this nation faces, and ask for political stability and wisdom for the government. We pray against all slavery and for justice for those who have been oppressed. We pray for laborers to the harvest and for open doors for the Gospel. We pray for Mauritanians who are outside the country to hear the Gospel. Transform Mauritania for Your glory, in Jesus' name, amen.

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