Kyrgyzstan is a beautiful nation with incredible mountains all over the nation. These are the mountains just outside Bishkek the capital.
This nation was under part of the USSR until its independence in 1991. It continues to remain poor and face economic hardship due to corruption, greed, and power struggles amongst those that have had power since then. Kyrgyzstan has had lots of political unrest in the last few years as well as some ethnic conflicts between Kyrgyz and Uzbeks.
In my experience, the Kyrgyz believers are faith filled and preserving. They are actively serving orphans and widows, reaching out to families, helping the needy and poor, building the body of Christ, etc. They are a testimony to the heart of the Kyrgyz people. They are strong people, who don’t quit. They have large hearts and open doors to welcome others.
Lord, we thank you for the Kyrgyz believers and their heart to follow you. We thank you that we have
seen your church grow in this nation. We are grateful for the men and women that sacrifice so much to follow you. We pray that you would give more and more Kyrgyz the opportunity to hear about Jesus. We pray that people would encounter Jesus through dreams and visions, through different resources like Christian radio and Christian literature. We pray that the Good News of Jesus would spread over every mountain range in this nation. That it would be heard in every rural village and every isolated area. We pray for peace amongst the different ethnic peoples in Kyrgyzstan. We pray for courage for the government to make changes to the economy and the society in general. We pray you would come Lord, in a powerful way in this nation. We thank you for Kyrgyzstan and the Kyrgyz people. In Jesus name, amen
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