Today we wrap up our prayer emphasis on Mexico. Please review pages 578-584.
My prayer for today: Lord, we lift up the church in Mexico. We pray for unity, discipleship, and biblical commitment, as well as leadership training and development of missions vision. We pray, Lord, for You to guide the church in a proper attitude and approach toward money and finance. Cause them the reject the prosperity gospel and any selfish use to funds. We pray for a release of finances into Your Kingdom work and for the right biblical perspective on the issue of money. We pray for those evangelicals who are persecuted by communities for refusing to engage in pagan practices. Thank You for their bold witness; guide them to be faithful witnesses to Your love and truth. We pray for the street children in Mexico to be protected from trafficking and abuse. Oh, Lord, we ask you to move in Mexico for Your glory. In Jesus' name, amen.
Encouraging the body of Christ to share the treasure of the Gospel through the power of God. "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us." 2 Corinthians 4:7
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Prayer for Mexico: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 30
Today we continue to pray for Mexico. Please review pages 579-584.
My prayer for today: We thank You, Lord, for the growth of evangelicals and increasing freedom for ministry in Mexico. We thank You for the growing missions movement and praise You for every missionary sent from Mexico to the world. We pray for the needs of Mexico. We pray against the poverty, against the corruption, against the drug trade. We pray for the US to play a significant and positive role in the development of Mexico, rather than having an antagonistic or paternalistic relationship. We pray for wisdom in the decisions related to immigration and for the Mexicans in the US to encounter Christ's love and be protected from abuse by employers who would take advantage of them. Guide Christians in the US and Mexico to seek unity and reconciliation. In Jesus' name, amen.
My prayer for today: We thank You, Lord, for the growth of evangelicals and increasing freedom for ministry in Mexico. We thank You for the growing missions movement and praise You for every missionary sent from Mexico to the world. We pray for the needs of Mexico. We pray against the poverty, against the corruption, against the drug trade. We pray for the US to play a significant and positive role in the development of Mexico, rather than having an antagonistic or paternalistic relationship. We pray for wisdom in the decisions related to immigration and for the Mexicans in the US to encounter Christ's love and be protected from abuse by employers who would take advantage of them. Guide Christians in the US and Mexico to seek unity and reconciliation. In Jesus' name, amen.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Prayer for Mexico: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 29
Today we begin 3 days of a focused prayer for a nation with many needs, a nation whose border with the US brings much controversy and confusion, even among Christians - and a nation whose believers even endure persecution. Please read about Mexico on pages 579-584, then watch this video which touches on many key prayer points for Mexico.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Praying for Mauritius and Mayotte: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 28
Today's prayer focuses on two islands in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Africa. Please read about Mauritius and Mayotte on pages 574-578.
My prayer for today: Lord, we lift up these unique islands to you. We pray for Mauritius and thank You for the number of Hindus coming to faith in You. We pray for You to remove barriers to faith for these people and we ask for a renewal of spiritual vitality among the churches in Mauritius. We pray for leadership training, for continued progress with young people, and for guidance for those serving here long-term. We pray for Mayotte, the "place of death", to become a place of life as people die to their old ways and live to faith in You. We pray for transformation at every level of society, We pray for more laborers to the harvest and for unity and cooperation among the 3 evangelical churches. We pray for wisdom in using the Jesus Film and ask You to send dreams and visions to prepare people for hearing the Gospel message. In Jesus' name, amen.
My prayer for today: Lord, we lift up these unique islands to you. We pray for Mauritius and thank You for the number of Hindus coming to faith in You. We pray for You to remove barriers to faith for these people and we ask for a renewal of spiritual vitality among the churches in Mauritius. We pray for leadership training, for continued progress with young people, and for guidance for those serving here long-term. We pray for Mayotte, the "place of death", to become a place of life as people die to their old ways and live to faith in You. We pray for transformation at every level of society, We pray for more laborers to the harvest and for unity and cooperation among the 3 evangelical churches. We pray for wisdom in using the Jesus Film and ask You to send dreams and visions to prepare people for hearing the Gospel message. In Jesus' name, amen.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Praying for Mauritania: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 27
Today's prayer focus is Mauritania, in northern Africa. Please read pages 572-573.
My prayer for today: Oh Lord, Mauritania has been draped is such darkness for centuries. How we long for the day when you will destroy the veil that shrouds people from the truth (Isaiah 25:7). How we long for these precious people to know You in truth and grace. Lord, we pray for that day. We pray for the very real needs that this nation faces, and ask for political stability and wisdom for the government. We pray against all slavery and for justice for those who have been oppressed. We pray for laborers to the harvest and for open doors for the Gospel. We pray for Mauritanians who are outside the country to hear the Gospel. Transform Mauritania for Your glory, in Jesus' name, amen.
My prayer for today: Oh Lord, Mauritania has been draped is such darkness for centuries. How we long for the day when you will destroy the veil that shrouds people from the truth (Isaiah 25:7). How we long for these precious people to know You in truth and grace. Lord, we pray for that day. We pray for the very real needs that this nation faces, and ask for political stability and wisdom for the government. We pray against all slavery and for justice for those who have been oppressed. We pray for laborers to the harvest and for open doors for the Gospel. We pray for Mauritanians who are outside the country to hear the Gospel. Transform Mauritania for Your glory, in Jesus' name, amen.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Praying for Malta and Martinique: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey
Today we enter a string of a few days when we focus on some smaller islands and nations, sometimes covering multiple lands on one day. Although it's important to read through the prayer points for each country, please be sensitive to God's heart for YOUR prayer time. There's a big world out there, and He calls us to pray different things at different times of day to cover all the things He wants to accomplish both IN us and THROUGH us. If my prayer for the day doesn't resonate with your heart, please spend your time on what God impresses most strongly upon you!
Now, please read about two islands, Malta and Martinique, on pages 568-571 (see Acts 27-28). You may recognize Malta from Paul's stop there. While they initially gave him a warm reception, they quickly thought he was a murderer, and then decided he must be divine. Amazingly, this small piece of soil became the first nation in Europe to embrace Christianity. How like God to establish a continental beachhead on an island that, had the weather been fine and dandy, the boat Paul was on would have just sailed past! Truly He chooses the least to confound the wise ... a good reminder when we pray that some of the tiniest nations may be huge in His plan! Let's pray for two of them today.
My prayer for today: Lord Jesus, we come before You reminded again that the smallest scrap of dirt on this planet belongs to YOU. That includes Malta and Martinique. Lord, we lift up Malta to You, and ask for their Christian heritage to be appreciated and lived out. We pray for renewal within the Catholic Church so that the Maltese will embrace a personal walk with You and that their religious traditions would lead to a door into deeper commitment to Your kingdom. Pray for leaders of renewal groups to train believers to be biblical sound, passionately worshipful, genuinely loving, and carefully obedient to all You command. We pray for Malta to be a launching pad for strong missions to North Africa. For Martinique, we pray for protection from natural disasters and we pray against spiritual apathy. Let the people be shaken out of their carelessness before You. We pray against the legacy of slavery and ask You to bring reconciliation. We pray for the churches to be grounded in the Word and to lead the way in bringing Martinique to a place of wholeness through the One who is our peace.
Now, please read about two islands, Malta and Martinique, on pages 568-571 (see Acts 27-28). You may recognize Malta from Paul's stop there. While they initially gave him a warm reception, they quickly thought he was a murderer, and then decided he must be divine. Amazingly, this small piece of soil became the first nation in Europe to embrace Christianity. How like God to establish a continental beachhead on an island that, had the weather been fine and dandy, the boat Paul was on would have just sailed past! Truly He chooses the least to confound the wise ... a good reminder when we pray that some of the tiniest nations may be huge in His plan! Let's pray for two of them today.
My prayer for today: Lord Jesus, we come before You reminded again that the smallest scrap of dirt on this planet belongs to YOU. That includes Malta and Martinique. Lord, we lift up Malta to You, and ask for their Christian heritage to be appreciated and lived out. We pray for renewal within the Catholic Church so that the Maltese will embrace a personal walk with You and that their religious traditions would lead to a door into deeper commitment to Your kingdom. Pray for leaders of renewal groups to train believers to be biblical sound, passionately worshipful, genuinely loving, and carefully obedient to all You command. We pray for Malta to be a launching pad for strong missions to North Africa. For Martinique, we pray for protection from natural disasters and we pray against spiritual apathy. Let the people be shaken out of their carelessness before You. We pray against the legacy of slavery and ask You to bring reconciliation. We pray for the churches to be grounded in the Word and to lead the way in bringing Martinique to a place of wholeness through the One who is our peace.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Prayer for Mali: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 25
Today we pray for Mali again. Please review pages 564-567.
My prayer for today: Lord, we praise You and thank You for the stability and freedom in Mali. We thank You that it has resisted the pressure to become an Islamic state and we thank You that the church is really taking root within the culture. What a blessing to see the diversity of ministry, the holistic approach, and the partnerships. Lord, Mali needs Your touch in the economic needs that they have. What a challenge the government faces. We pray for the children with their low survival rate; we ask You to minister to them and raise up people with creative ideas to help Mali develop. We pray for Muslims in Mali to hear about Jesus and for the Christians to have wisdom and passion for outreach. We pray for the church to make a positive impact in many ways in the country. We pray against dependency and for You to unleash Your Spirit and bring creative resources into this country; use the church significantly in the development of Mali in such a way that it's written into the fabric of the nation's collective history. Praise You Father, for Mali. In Jesus' name, amen.
My prayer for today: Lord, we praise You and thank You for the stability and freedom in Mali. We thank You that it has resisted the pressure to become an Islamic state and we thank You that the church is really taking root within the culture. What a blessing to see the diversity of ministry, the holistic approach, and the partnerships. Lord, Mali needs Your touch in the economic needs that they have. What a challenge the government faces. We pray for the children with their low survival rate; we ask You to minister to them and raise up people with creative ideas to help Mali develop. We pray for Muslims in Mali to hear about Jesus and for the Christians to have wisdom and passion for outreach. We pray for the church to make a positive impact in many ways in the country. We pray against dependency and for You to unleash Your Spirit and bring creative resources into this country; use the church significantly in the development of Mali in such a way that it's written into the fabric of the nation's collective history. Praise You Father, for Mali. In Jesus' name, amen.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Prayer for Mali: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 24
Today and tomorrow we pray for Mali. I was SO blessed by this Mali believer's passionate, faith-filled prayer. Please read pages 564-567 and pray with him today.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Praying for Maldives: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 23
Today we will pray for a small nation of tiny islands off the coast of India that is one of the least evangelized places on earth. No mission work or even Christian literature has ever been allowed and the word "Christian" is a slanderous term. Please read about the Maldives on pages 562-563.
My prayer for today: Oh Lord, how grateful I am that no place is out of Your reach. Psalm 139 tells us that when we are in the depths, you are there; when we are in darkness, you are there, and even darkness is not dark to You. Despite the restrictions on the Gospel in Maldives, You are there. It's not unreached, and the Gospel is unhindered. Your Word, eternal and settled in the heavens, is just as powerful in Maldives as anywhere else. So Lord, we pray that You would bring about a breakthrough in this land. We pray for the few believers there to live holy and righteous lives, to be faithful to You and exemplary in their integrity, to transform the way the term Christian is perceived and bring about curiosity and openness. We pray for those who believe to know You in an intimate way to be able to sustain the persecution. We pray for You to bring fruitfulness in their lives and work. We pray for Scripture that will encourage and sustain them. We pray against the strongholds in Maldives and ask You to tear back the veil that covers this nation and reveal Your Son and Your love. In Jesus' name, amen.
My prayer for today: Oh Lord, how grateful I am that no place is out of Your reach. Psalm 139 tells us that when we are in the depths, you are there; when we are in darkness, you are there, and even darkness is not dark to You. Despite the restrictions on the Gospel in Maldives, You are there. It's not unreached, and the Gospel is unhindered. Your Word, eternal and settled in the heavens, is just as powerful in Maldives as anywhere else. So Lord, we pray that You would bring about a breakthrough in this land. We pray for the few believers there to live holy and righteous lives, to be faithful to You and exemplary in their integrity, to transform the way the term Christian is perceived and bring about curiosity and openness. We pray for those who believe to know You in an intimate way to be able to sustain the persecution. We pray for You to bring fruitfulness in their lives and work. We pray for Scripture that will encourage and sustain them. We pray against the strongholds in Maldives and ask You to tear back the veil that covers this nation and reveal Your Son and Your love. In Jesus' name, amen.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Prayer for Malaysia: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 22
Today as we pray for Malaysia we are going to zero in on the three additional areas under Malaysian control - Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, and Sarawak. Please review pages 559-561.
My prayer for today: Lord Jesus, thank You that You not only hold the political nations in Your hand, but that You see and know every tribe, language, and people group so intimately that You are calling some from each one into relationship with You. We will be around the throne with some people from these areas of Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, and Sarawak, and we want to lift them up to You today. For Peninsular Malaysia, we pray for boldness for the church in the face of relentless pressure from radical Islamist elements. We pray for the church to continue to grow and adapt to an ever-changing situation. We pray for renewal and wisdom for leaders. We pray for the courage and commitment the church needs to reach the least-reached in PM. In Sabah, Lord, we praise You for the rapid church growth and pray for evangelization of the unreached. We pray for unity and cooperation among the churches and against apathy and political influences. Lord, we finally lift up Sarawak to You. Thank You for 70 years of Your presence, for the work among the SIB, Anglican, and Methodists, and for the influence of the Bible schools. We pray for Christians to help the poor and reach out in love to the needy. We pray for the church to fight materialism and for You to raise up and equip leaders. Thank You for working faithfully in all parts of Malaysia. In Jesus' name, amen.
My prayer for today: Lord Jesus, thank You that You not only hold the political nations in Your hand, but that You see and know every tribe, language, and people group so intimately that You are calling some from each one into relationship with You. We will be around the throne with some people from these areas of Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, and Sarawak, and we want to lift them up to You today. For Peninsular Malaysia, we pray for boldness for the church in the face of relentless pressure from radical Islamist elements. We pray for the church to continue to grow and adapt to an ever-changing situation. We pray for renewal and wisdom for leaders. We pray for the courage and commitment the church needs to reach the least-reached in PM. In Sabah, Lord, we praise You for the rapid church growth and pray for evangelization of the unreached. We pray for unity and cooperation among the churches and against apathy and political influences. Lord, we finally lift up Sarawak to You. Thank You for 70 years of Your presence, for the work among the SIB, Anglican, and Methodists, and for the influence of the Bible schools. We pray for Christians to help the poor and reach out in love to the needy. We pray for the church to fight materialism and for You to raise up and equip leaders. Thank You for working faithfully in all parts of Malaysia. In Jesus' name, amen.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Praying for Malaysia: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 21
Today and tomorrow we pray for Malaysia - a diverse country with a measure of genuine religious freedom, yet oppression within religious groups not to convert, and thus evangelism is forbidden. Malaysia also is overwhelmed by trafficking. Please read about this nation on pages 555-561 (including three areas under Malaysian authority - Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, and Sarawak) then watch this video as our prayer time together.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Prayer for Malawi: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 20
Malawi is filled with incredible beauty and resources - and yet remains one of the most undeveloped countries in the world.The growth it experienced under an oppressive dictator was unsustainable, and the nation has been ravaged by AIDS. Yet there is religious freedom, church growth, and a solid Biblical faith. One of the biggest challenges is the need for leadership training, which is greatly hindered by the extreme poverty. Please read about Malawi on pages 552-555, then watch this video (great information included under the video as well) and pray for Malawi today.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Prayer for Madagascar: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey (August 19)
Today we pray for Madgascar, a land rich in history and ecology, yet desperately poor and in need of spiritual and economic development. As you read about Madagascar on pages 548-551, notice how the predominant spiritist culture, inherited from the Malagasy folk religion, is reflected in the church. Every Christian comes to Christ from within his or her own culture, and as churches develop it's important to be cautious to recognize the Biblical and unbiblical elements of our culture and guard against letting the church simply be another form of the culture. At the same time, there are cultural keys and links that can be helpful in spreading the Gospel. As we pray for Madgascar today, let's focus on the churches.
My prayer for today: Lord, thank You for what You have done in Madagascar. Thank You for the church growth and the movement of the Holy Spirit. We pray, Lord, for the church to be Biblical. We pray that the spiritist culture will transform into Christians who have a keep sense of discernment and who recognize Your work and power when they see it. We pray for all growth to be soundly rooted in Scripture and uncompromising where the lines are clear. We pray for spiritual life in the churches and for unity and love to permeate between denominations. We pray against the prosperity teaching and against pride and jealousy. Unleash love, humility, and unity in the churches. We pray for strong discipleship and accessible programs that all Christians can access. We pray for teaching for the pastors and for the development of a strong Christian world view. Make a difference in Madagascar through the churches, Lord Jesus.
My prayer for today: Lord, thank You for what You have done in Madagascar. Thank You for the church growth and the movement of the Holy Spirit. We pray, Lord, for the church to be Biblical. We pray that the spiritist culture will transform into Christians who have a keep sense of discernment and who recognize Your work and power when they see it. We pray for all growth to be soundly rooted in Scripture and uncompromising where the lines are clear. We pray for spiritual life in the churches and for unity and love to permeate between denominations. We pray against the prosperity teaching and against pride and jealousy. Unleash love, humility, and unity in the churches. We pray for strong discipleship and accessible programs that all Christians can access. We pray for teaching for the pastors and for the development of a strong Christian world view. Make a difference in Madagascar through the churches, Lord Jesus.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Prayer for Macedonia: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 18
I've been privileged to know several Macedonians. They are among the most joyful people I've met - in fact, they will readily tell you that Macedonians love to find an excuse to have a party. They're also filled with pride over their country's independence. It's such a joy to pray for Macedonia today. Please read pages 545-547. I've included some wonderful insights and prayer requests from one serving Macedonia. I pray his words fuel your prayers
My prayer for today: Lord, each corner of the world brings a unique culture, and each authentic church expression of that culture adds a dimension of richness to Your body that we cannot experience without it. It's so easy to see that Macedonian believers add much to our understanding of joy in the body of Christ. We thank You for that, and ask You to teach us from their joy. We thank You for their outward-focused ministry and the growth of the church as it reaches across ethnic lines. We pray for all of Macedonia to hear the Gospel and follow You. We pray for evangelical churches to be humble and find favor with the government. We pray for Your Spirit to move through the Orthodox church and breathe new life. We pray for all those who have only attended Orthodox churches and never heard the Gospel in their own language to find true lasting joy when they heard the Gospel for the first time. We pray for leadership and vision for the churches. We pray for those missionaries working in the land and ask You to give them wisdom and humility to work alongside national believers. Thank You for the church You are building in Macedonia. In Jesus' name, amen.
has a rich history of Christianity, starting when the Apostle Paul had a
vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, “Come over to
Macedonia and help us.” (Acts 16:9) Paul obeyed the “Macedonian Call”
when he sailed for Philippi. However, with time, Christianity became
stagnant because the Scriptures were never translated into the language
of the Slavic common people. It wasn’t until the ninth century that
Cyril and Methodius of Thessaloniki undertook the challenge of meeting
this need among Slavic peoples when they started a Bible school to train
Slavs in their own language. After the death of Cyril and Methodius,
two of their students, Clement and Naum of Macedonia, returned to
Macedonia in the city of Ohrid and continued the work by creating a new
Slavic alphabet, called Cyrillic, in
honor of their teacher Cyril. Clement translated the Scriptures into
the language of the Macedonian Slavs and founded the Ohrid University.
About 3,500 students were educated at Ohrid University. Many of them
were ordained priests, deacons, and arch-deacons; and many were sent on
missions among the Slavic peoples on the Balkan Peninsula, and even
further abroad. A large number of them also reached far away Russia.
At the end of the fourteenth century the Ottoman Turks invaded the
Balkans and brought about 500 years of Muslim rule. Afterwards,
Macedonia was under several decades of Communism during its time in the
former Yugoslavia. In 1992, Macedonia became an independent Republic.
However, as a people, they have lost most of their rich spiritual
about two thirds of Macedonia’s population is Slavic Macedonian. They
consider themselves Orthodox Christian but most of these are nominal in
their beliefs and practices. The Orthodox Church is seen as the
national church. To become a member of any other church (such as
Protestant or Evangelical) is seen as unpatriotic, and these churches
are even called “sects” or “cults”. The members are considered traitors
to their homeland because to be Macedonian is to be “Orthodox”. Even
though many of the people rarely attend Orthodox services, many converts
to other churches face severe persecution and are ostracized by family
and friends, and in a country that values family, this can be a burden
hard to bear.
Pray for Orthodox Macedonians to go beyond following traditions but to
have saving faith, becoming true believers and having a relationship
with the God they try to serve.
other third of Macedonia’s population is Muslim. Most of Macedonia’s
Muslims are Albanian, making up about one fourth of Macedonia’s
population. The rest are Muslim Turks and Gypsies (Roma). Most Muslims
in Macedonia maintain a high identity as a Muslim but do not follow
most of the practices of Islam. Just as with the Macedonians, to be
Albanian is to be "Muslim". Though several churches have been planted
among the Muslim Roma population, the Muslim Albanians and Muslim Turks
remain essentially unreached.
Pray for Muslim Albanians and Muslim Turks to have a revelation of
Jesus Christ and to come into the Kingdom of God with saving faith as
true believers.
than 0.5% of Macedonia’s population is Protestant/Evangelical
Christian. Most smaller cities and villages do not even have a group of
true believers meeting together. As a result of previous missionaries,
most Protestant/Evangelical Christians place more emphasis on structure
and knowledge from a Bible college than on godly character and
spiritual giftings. This has caused a lack of good leadership within
the churches and has made it difficult for churches to grow and
reproduce throughout the country.
Pray for Protestant/Evangelical Christians to return to their first
love, not trying to control the work of God but letting it multiply
through their love and good works.
is a historic tension between the Orthodox Macedonians and the Muslim
Albanians. These tensions are rooted in various things: political,
cultural, religious, etc. Also, Macedonia has historic tensions with
its surrounding neighboring countries: Greece does not recognize
Macedonia's name, Bulgaria claims that the Macedonian language is just a
dialect of Bulgarian, the Serbian Orthodox church does not recognize
the Macedonian Orthodox church, Albania wants to increase its borders
with the Albanian populated part of Macedonia.
Pray for peace in Macedonia and the Balkans. Come against spiritual
strongholds of religiosity and pride, lies and deception, division and
disunity, greed and corruption, and gossip and slander.
My prayer for today: Lord, each corner of the world brings a unique culture, and each authentic church expression of that culture adds a dimension of richness to Your body that we cannot experience without it. It's so easy to see that Macedonian believers add much to our understanding of joy in the body of Christ. We thank You for that, and ask You to teach us from their joy. We thank You for their outward-focused ministry and the growth of the church as it reaches across ethnic lines. We pray for all of Macedonia to hear the Gospel and follow You. We pray for evangelical churches to be humble and find favor with the government. We pray for Your Spirit to move through the Orthodox church and breathe new life. We pray for all those who have only attended Orthodox churches and never heard the Gospel in their own language to find true lasting joy when they heard the Gospel for the first time. We pray for leadership and vision for the churches. We pray for those missionaries working in the land and ask You to give them wisdom and humility to work alongside national believers. Thank You for the church You are building in Macedonia. In Jesus' name, amen.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Prayer for Lithuania and Luxembourg: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 17
Housekeeping note: You may notice that Luxembourg is listed for August 16. However, since it comes alphabetically after Lithuania I have chosen to keep it with the 17th.
Today we pray for two more small European countries. Lithuania has been emerging from the post-Soviet era and while it was the last European country to receive the Gospel, it is filled with dynamic groups today that are walking in a high degree of unity! Sadly, it is also a hub of trafficking for prostitution in the West. Luxembourg has a strong Catholic heritage and while there is freedom of religion, visible evangelism is taboo. Please read more about these lands on pages 541-544.
My prayer for today: Lord, we thank You for the freedom and unity among the churches in Lithuania. What a great testimony for those who have yet to believe! Yet we pray against the darkness that has come in with the freedom - especially human trafficking. We confess the guilt of those who seek to consume pornography and prostitution, thus creating this demand. We pray for You to raise awareness of trafficking and give girls and young women strong wisdom and protection. We pray they will not fall victim to good-sounding schemes that are really coverings for trafficking. Lord, we pray for the church to play a key role in setting these captives free, in raising awareness and changing the mindset so that Lithuanians will not accept trafficking or the demand for it. We pray for leadership and sound biblical foundations for the churches as they navigate the new realities of Lithuania today. Lord, for Luxembourg we pray for the evangelicals to have strong leaders and Bible teaching, for Christ-centered workers and unity. We pray for Scripture in the Letzebuergesch language. We pray for the success of the one Christian bookstore in the country and ask You to raise up other ways to get Your Word and teaching into the hands of the people. Fulfill Your purposes in these nations, Lord Jesus, for they are Yours.
Today we pray for two more small European countries. Lithuania has been emerging from the post-Soviet era and while it was the last European country to receive the Gospel, it is filled with dynamic groups today that are walking in a high degree of unity! Sadly, it is also a hub of trafficking for prostitution in the West. Luxembourg has a strong Catholic heritage and while there is freedom of religion, visible evangelism is taboo. Please read more about these lands on pages 541-544.
My prayer for today: Lord, we thank You for the freedom and unity among the churches in Lithuania. What a great testimony for those who have yet to believe! Yet we pray against the darkness that has come in with the freedom - especially human trafficking. We confess the guilt of those who seek to consume pornography and prostitution, thus creating this demand. We pray for You to raise awareness of trafficking and give girls and young women strong wisdom and protection. We pray they will not fall victim to good-sounding schemes that are really coverings for trafficking. Lord, we pray for the church to play a key role in setting these captives free, in raising awareness and changing the mindset so that Lithuanians will not accept trafficking or the demand for it. We pray for leadership and sound biblical foundations for the churches as they navigate the new realities of Lithuania today. Lord, for Luxembourg we pray for the evangelicals to have strong leaders and Bible teaching, for Christ-centered workers and unity. We pray for Scripture in the Letzebuergesch language. We pray for the success of the one Christian bookstore in the country and ask You to raise up other ways to get Your Word and teaching into the hands of the people. Fulfill Your purposes in these nations, Lord Jesus, for they are Yours.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Prayer for Liechtenstein: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 16
Today's journey takes us over the Alps and drops us into a doubly-landlocked country - a nation surround by nations who are also landlocked. This nation has sought hard to remain neutral through the 20th century conflicts, and the nation enjoys one of the world's highest standards of living. Only one evangelical church exists in this overwhelmingly Catholic country. Please learn more on pages 539-540.
My prayer for today: Oh Lord God, while Liechtenstein avoided a lot of the trauma of World War II because of its neutrality, we pray God that this land won't be neutral to You. We pray that the people will find the need for a fervent faith in You. We pray that You will remove the idol of materialism and sweep through the Catholic Church with the fire of Your Holy Spirit. Lord, we pray for the evangelical fellowship in Liechtenstein. We pray for wisdom and discernment, for intentional outreach. We pray this fellowship will be in complete unity and will be known within the nation for its love. We pray You will use this church mightily for Your kingdom Lord Jesus.
My prayer for today: Oh Lord God, while Liechtenstein avoided a lot of the trauma of World War II because of its neutrality, we pray God that this land won't be neutral to You. We pray that the people will find the need for a fervent faith in You. We pray that You will remove the idol of materialism and sweep through the Catholic Church with the fire of Your Holy Spirit. Lord, we pray for the evangelical fellowship in Liechtenstein. We pray for wisdom and discernment, for intentional outreach. We pray this fellowship will be in complete unity and will be known within the nation for its love. We pray You will use this church mightily for Your kingdom Lord Jesus.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Praying for Libya: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 15
Today we continue to pray for a nation on the African continent. Libya is a key north African Muslim state, featured prominently in recent news stories as they underwent somewhat of a revolution. The future of Libya remains to be seen. Please read more about this land on pages 537-539.
My prayer for today: Lord, we are thankful for the changing spiritual climate in Libya. Thank You for their hunger for truth, for the demand for Bibles, and for the beginnings of freedom for Christians to practice their faith. We pray that the overthrow of the long-time government last year will lead to true and lasting freedom and not further bondage. We pray that people will reject religious extremism in their leaders and instead seek rulers who will seek to represent all Libyans regardless of faith or approach. We pray for the church to be wise and bold in outreach, for sound teaching and firm faith. We pray for You to connect believers in creative ways, especially as individuals seek to marry sometimes without revealing their faith in Jesus to their families. Link these "secret believers" to each other and help them find strength and boldness together. Be glorified in and through Libya. Thank You for this window of opportunity. In Jesus' name, amen.
My prayer for today: Lord, we are thankful for the changing spiritual climate in Libya. Thank You for their hunger for truth, for the demand for Bibles, and for the beginnings of freedom for Christians to practice their faith. We pray that the overthrow of the long-time government last year will lead to true and lasting freedom and not further bondage. We pray that people will reject religious extremism in their leaders and instead seek rulers who will seek to represent all Libyans regardless of faith or approach. We pray for the church to be wise and bold in outreach, for sound teaching and firm faith. We pray for You to connect believers in creative ways, especially as individuals seek to marry sometimes without revealing their faith in Jesus to their families. Link these "secret believers" to each other and help them find strength and boldness together. Be glorified in and through Libya. Thank You for this window of opportunity. In Jesus' name, amen.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Praying for Liberia: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 14
Today we continue to pray for Liberia. Please review the prayer requests on pages 533-537.
My prayer for today: Oh Lord, we are so grateful for the peace and stability You have brought to Liberia in recent years. We thank You for the resuming of Christian ministry and for the holistic approach that most are taking Thank You that HOPE is present again in Liberia. We pray for President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to lead with wisdom, integrity, and vision. We pray for the Christians in Liberia to fully turn from their former failure to have a redemptive impact on their country, and to fully embrace living out their faith in every arena of life. We pray for You to strengthen to Church to be a strong and pure witness for You. Give Your Word a strong place in Liberia, with the churches teaching sound doctrine and the Holy spirit purifying, renewing, and building up the Body of Christ. We pray against the enemy's attempts to infiltrate Liberia through African Islam. We pray for wisdom and discernment for believers and for those who have not heard the Gospel to hear it soon. Lord, Thank You for the progress in Liberia. We trust that You will be at work in this nation to finish what You have started. In Jesus' name, amen.
My prayer for today: Oh Lord, we are so grateful for the peace and stability You have brought to Liberia in recent years. We thank You for the resuming of Christian ministry and for the holistic approach that most are taking Thank You that HOPE is present again in Liberia. We pray for President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to lead with wisdom, integrity, and vision. We pray for the Christians in Liberia to fully turn from their former failure to have a redemptive impact on their country, and to fully embrace living out their faith in every arena of life. We pray for You to strengthen to Church to be a strong and pure witness for You. Give Your Word a strong place in Liberia, with the churches teaching sound doctrine and the Holy spirit purifying, renewing, and building up the Body of Christ. We pray against the enemy's attempts to infiltrate Liberia through African Islam. We pray for wisdom and discernment for believers and for those who have not heard the Gospel to hear it soon. Lord, Thank You for the progress in Liberia. We trust that You will be at work in this nation to finish what You have started. In Jesus' name, amen.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Prayer for Liberia: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 13
Today and tomorrow we continue to pray for the African continent, focusing on Liberia. Liberia was founded as a Christian nation and was the first independent black state in Africa as a colony for freed American slaves. Today Liberia seeks to overcome years of violence and repression. 50% of the population are children that must overcome the impact of two civil wars within 10 years in their nation. Please read about this country on pages 533-537, then watch this video for our prayer time together today.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Praying for Lesotho: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 12
Lesotho - literally a country within a country. A mountainous country with only 10% of land farmable, Lesotho the country is below a subsistence level since it cannot even feed itself. still, it remains a young democracy with a background of Christian missions. Please read about this tiny country that has a special place in God's heart on pages 531-533.
My prayer for today: Lord, the tiniest of nations or the largest are all close to Your heart. Lesotho belongs to Christ as an inheritance, just like my own nation does. I envision Your arms embracing and surrounding Lesotho just like South Africa surrounds the land. Draw Lesotho close to Yourself, El Shaddai, you are the all-sufficient one. You are sufficient to reach into the deep financial and subsistence needs of this land. Bring them adequate food, water, and provision. Give wisdom for the leadership and continue to develop their freedom so that the Gospel can spread and Your people can help openly. Lord, we pray for balanced ministry approaches in the face of the deep AIDS and poverty needs. We pray for Biblical teaching to bring those who have heard the Gospel into a true understanding of Your Word. Sweep through churches with revival and a focus on Your Word. Bring unity among the various church bodies. Give great wisdom in outreaches to the mountain populations. Give success and protection to Mission Aviation Fellowship as they seek to fly into the hard-to-reach places of this land. Provide for these pilots and call more of these specialized laborers into the harvest. In Jesus' name, amen.
My prayer for today: Lord, the tiniest of nations or the largest are all close to Your heart. Lesotho belongs to Christ as an inheritance, just like my own nation does. I envision Your arms embracing and surrounding Lesotho just like South Africa surrounds the land. Draw Lesotho close to Yourself, El Shaddai, you are the all-sufficient one. You are sufficient to reach into the deep financial and subsistence needs of this land. Bring them adequate food, water, and provision. Give wisdom for the leadership and continue to develop their freedom so that the Gospel can spread and Your people can help openly. Lord, we pray for balanced ministry approaches in the face of the deep AIDS and poverty needs. We pray for Biblical teaching to bring those who have heard the Gospel into a true understanding of Your Word. Sweep through churches with revival and a focus on Your Word. Bring unity among the various church bodies. Give great wisdom in outreaches to the mountain populations. Give success and protection to Mission Aviation Fellowship as they seek to fly into the hard-to-reach places of this land. Provide for these pilots and call more of these specialized laborers into the harvest. In Jesus' name, amen.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Praying for Lebanon: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 11
Today we pray for Lebanon - a very strategic country for outreach within the Muslim world. Please read pages 527-530, then join this Lebanese believer in prayer for his country.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Praying for Latvia: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 10
Although Latvia was one of the last European nations to accept the Gospel, it was one of the earliest to embrace Protestantism, and endured much persecution under Nazis and Communists. Today, there is freedom for all religions and yet a moral vacuum and much nominalism. Please read pages 525-527 as we pray for Latvia today.
My prayer for today: Oh Lord, it is so sad to see freedom squandered. Please help Latvians to recognize the freedom You have given them. Help the churches grasp the significance of this kairos moment, this key period of time where You have opened a window for them to freely share the Gospel. We pray that You would revive the church, infuse it with the fire of Your Holy Spirit, and give it the vision to reach Latvia and eastern Europe with the Gospel. We pray that the unity among the churches would result in a turning away from moral bankruptcy and toward truth. We pray for wisdom and leadership for strategic outreach. In Jesus' name, amen.
My prayer for today: Oh Lord, it is so sad to see freedom squandered. Please help Latvians to recognize the freedom You have given them. Help the churches grasp the significance of this kairos moment, this key period of time where You have opened a window for them to freely share the Gospel. We pray that You would revive the church, infuse it with the fire of Your Holy Spirit, and give it the vision to reach Latvia and eastern Europe with the Gospel. We pray that the unity among the churches would result in a turning away from moral bankruptcy and toward truth. We pray for wisdom and leadership for strategic outreach. In Jesus' name, amen.
Thursday, August 09, 2012
Praying for Laos: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 9
Today we pray for Laos, Over 90% of church leaders fled the country in 1975, so there is a huge vacuum of leadership. Yet God continues to breathe His Spirit over the country bringing rapid church growth led by Laotians. Please read pages 522-524.
My prayer for today: Lord, we thank You that although persecution led to many church leaders fleeing, Your Spirit remained in Laos, Your Word remained unhindered by the political climate. We thank You for the growth and for the faithfulness of the persecuted. Lord, we pray for perseverance and grace for those persecution, for discipleship and Biblical literacy for all believers, and for an increased open climate to evangelize and plant churches. We pray that Laotian believers would be able to live peaceful, quiet lives that result in the spread of the Gospel. Help them see Your purposes and Your plan. Raise up leaders and equip the church to reach the unreached. Give more and more believers Your heart for Laos, so we can better support them in prayer. In Jesus' name, amen.
My prayer for today: Lord, we thank You that although persecution led to many church leaders fleeing, Your Spirit remained in Laos, Your Word remained unhindered by the political climate. We thank You for the growth and for the faithfulness of the persecuted. Lord, we pray for perseverance and grace for those persecution, for discipleship and Biblical literacy for all believers, and for an increased open climate to evangelize and plant churches. We pray that Laotian believers would be able to live peaceful, quiet lives that result in the spread of the Gospel. Help them see Your purposes and Your plan. Raise up leaders and equip the church to reach the unreached. Give more and more believers Your heart for Laos, so we can better support them in prayer. In Jesus' name, amen.
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
Praying for Kyrgyzstan: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - August 8
Today we pray for another majority Muslim country, this one part of the former Soviet Union. We have a guest blogger who has ministered in Kyrgyzstan. Please read pages 516-520, then join her in prayer.
Kyrgyzstan is a beautiful nation with incredible mountains all over the nation. These are the mountains just outside Bishkek the capital.

This nation was under part of the USSR until its independence in 1991. It continues to remain poor and face economic hardship due to corruption, greed, and power struggles amongst those that have had power since then. Kyrgyzstan has had lots of political unrest in the last few years as well as some ethnic conflicts between Kyrgyz and Uzbeks.
In my experience, the Kyrgyz believers are faith filled and preserving. They are actively serving orphans and widows, reaching out to families, helping the needy and poor, building the body of Christ, etc. They are a testimony to the heart of the Kyrgyz people. They are strong people, who don’t quit. They have large hearts and open doors to welcome others.
Lord, we thank you for the Kyrgyz believers and their heart to follow you. We thank you that we have
seen your church grow in this nation. We are grateful for the men and women that sacrifice so much to follow you. We pray that you would give more and more Kyrgyz the opportunity to hear about Jesus. We pray that people would encounter Jesus through dreams and visions, through different resources like Christian radio and Christian literature. We pray that the Good News of Jesus would spread over every mountain range in this nation. That it would be heard in every rural village and every isolated area. We pray for peace amongst the different ethnic peoples in Kyrgyzstan. We pray for courage for the government to make changes to the economy and the society in general. We pray you would come Lord, in a powerful way in this nation. We thank you for Kyrgyzstan and the Kyrgyz people. In Jesus name, amen
Kyrgyzstan is a beautiful nation with incredible mountains all over the nation. These are the mountains just outside Bishkek the capital.
This nation was under part of the USSR until its independence in 1991. It continues to remain poor and face economic hardship due to corruption, greed, and power struggles amongst those that have had power since then. Kyrgyzstan has had lots of political unrest in the last few years as well as some ethnic conflicts between Kyrgyz and Uzbeks.
In my experience, the Kyrgyz believers are faith filled and preserving. They are actively serving orphans and widows, reaching out to families, helping the needy and poor, building the body of Christ, etc. They are a testimony to the heart of the Kyrgyz people. They are strong people, who don’t quit. They have large hearts and open doors to welcome others.
Lord, we thank you for the Kyrgyz believers and their heart to follow you. We thank you that we have
seen your church grow in this nation. We are grateful for the men and women that sacrifice so much to follow you. We pray that you would give more and more Kyrgyz the opportunity to hear about Jesus. We pray that people would encounter Jesus through dreams and visions, through different resources like Christian radio and Christian literature. We pray that the Good News of Jesus would spread over every mountain range in this nation. That it would be heard in every rural village and every isolated area. We pray for peace amongst the different ethnic peoples in Kyrgyzstan. We pray for courage for the government to make changes to the economy and the society in general. We pray you would come Lord, in a powerful way in this nation. We thank you for Kyrgyzstan and the Kyrgyz people. In Jesus name, amen
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