Friday, March 30, 2012

Prayer for Cape Verde and Cayman Islands: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - March 30 (Day 90)

Today's journey takes us from one of the largest countries in the world (Canada) to two of the tiniest islands - what a reminder that He is Lord of the land and the seas!

Psa 24:1-2 The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein,
for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers.

Please read pages 198-200. The information and prayer lists may be short, but the needs are real. Cape Verde depends on imports for 80% of its food supply. Its tourist and fishing potential are underdeveloped, and like many islands it is one natural disaster away from tragedy. The Cayman islands are affluent, with a Christian heritage, yet materialism and hedonism have found their way into the islands along with tourism and tax shelters. As we pray, let's seek God to truly impart to us His heart for the people of these locales.

My prayer for today: Lord, You are good and You do good. Your glory extends from the mountains to the valleys, from the coastlands to the islands. There is not a square inch of earth that does not belong to You for Your glory. Lord, we ask You today for the needs of Cape Verde and Cayman islanders. We ask You to give us Your heart for them and to see Your purposes in their existence. Lord, we pray for the economic concerns of Cape Verde with its poverty and underdevelopment. We pray for provision of food and resources. We pray especially for spiritual provision - bring about a true understanding of the Gospel and equip the believers to not mix their faith with other practices. We pray for the Caboverdians living abroad to be spiritual and economic blessings to the people back home. And Lord for Cayman - we thank You for the Christian heritage and the reference to Psalm 24 on the flag. We pray for Your power to be acknowledged, for all corruption and greed to be rooted out and for the wealth of the islands to be used for Your glory. We pray against materialism and hedonism and ask You to interrupt the tourists who visit Cayman with Your purposes and Your presence. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

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