Thursday, March 01, 2012

Prayer for Bangladesh: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - March 1 (Day 61)

What comes to your mind when you think of Bangladesh? Do you see floods and poverty, hunger and need? Do you think of signs of hope, such as Bangladesh students studying in the US and the Grameen Bank's efforts at microfinance? Do you know a lot, or a little, or nothing, about this tiny country?

We are privileged to be able to spend three full days getting to know Bangladesh, its people and its needs. Often one of the most important triggers to fuel our prayers is simply personal awareness - moving from the theoretical and abstract to the tangible and personal. Most of us can't just decide to go meet someone from Bangladesh this week (though if you know someone or live in a city where you might meet someone, this is a good time to develop a deeper relationship by asking questions about their country). But we can all make the decision to seek God for His heart for Bangladesh over the next 3 days. As we begin our time together today, please join in the prayer I've prayed - that He would make Bangladesh real to me through this virtual journey, and give me a piece of His heart.

After praying, please prayerfully read about Bangladesh on pages 132-136. As you read put a star next to any points that particularly struck your heart - those thing you found yourself really identifying with or feeling on a personal level. For the next 3 days, really seek to zero in on those aspects of Bangladesh for your prayer time.

Today our joint prayer time will come from the video below, which also serves to put faces to the Bengali people and unveil a bit of the beauty and tragedy of this country. I pray that God will use this to help you connect to His heart for Bangladesh on a personal level.

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