Monday, March 12, 2012

Prayer for Bolivia: A 365 Day Global Prayer Journey - March 12 (Day 72)

Please review the prayer requests for Bolivia on pages 154-156. We'll conclude our prayers for Bolivia today.

My prayer for today: Lord, thank You again for what You've started in Bolivia, and today I pray that You will finish the task. Raise up churches who take up the call to the upper classes as well as the rural villages. Train churches in urban ministry. And Lord, I ask You especially for ministry to the young people - college students, youth, and children. Lord, I ask You to raise up advocates for the poor children, especially those who have been homeless or street kids and subject to such abuse. Let the churches be in the forefront of solving this national problem. We ask for more of Your Word to be distributed and to take hold in Bolivia. Raise up the churches to be prepared to send missionaries both within and outside Bolivia. Lord, use whatever resources You will to reach this land. In Jesus' name, amen.

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