Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Imperfect Solutions for an Imperfect World

Maintaining a kingdom mindset in a fallen world can be a challenge. Not only are we tempted to give in to the world system, but when we perservere beyond that temptation we often are thwarted at the next level - discouragement.

For those of us who know God's plan and grasp that His kingdom vision is perfect, the reality often falls short. It may be when a co-worker we respect compromises to obtain a raise. It might occur when we see a bribe given where the giver only wishes to do someone good. It occurs in the US every four years when we elect a president - a periodic reminder that even in the best of circumstances, no one person outside Jesus will hold the keys to a perfect government.

Today's announcement that the Taliban will release the Korean hostages on condition of Korea's pullout from Afghanistan and promise of cessation of all work by Christians hit many as a bittersweet blessing - the hope of release, mingled with the loss of wonderful development works that show Christ's love in practical ways. It's important to note that this was not a decision by the Korean church but the Korean government. It's an imperfect solution by a world power, for an imperfect world.

At times like this we must rely on God's sovereignty. Only He knows why this solution and not another was ultimately put forward. He sometimes uses things like this to mobilize national believers. We can pray for that, and also for the Korean church to redouble its commitment to the Great Commission-wherever it takes them. Like Philadelphia in the book of Revelation, the Korean church has "a little strength" after this ordeal - yet God has placed before her an open door no one can shut. They need our prayer support and our understanding as they seek to be obedient to God in an imperfect world where all man-made solutions are imperfect.

Pray also for the hostages in their last hours/days/weeks (we don't know yet) of captivity. God still has a purpose for them there!

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