Friday, January 02, 2009

Ready to love them too?

I just heard an awesome song. In it, Steve Camp exhorts us, "Don't tell them about Jesus unless you're ready to love them too."

How true. It's really the message of the book of James - practical Christianity matters, a lot. And that's where it gets really hard ... and messy. Because sometimes we want the easy way out. We want to tell them about Jesus and get out of town. We want the job of the traveling evangelist, not the boots-on-the-ground shepherd.

And yet study after study confirms that most people come to Christ as a result of 1 to 1 evangelism. Someone takes the time to build a relationship, pours into a person over days, weeks, months, and years, demonstrating love and authenticity - living the message, and praying fervantly, and waiting for the opportunity to verbalize the Gospel.

Verbalizing the Gospel is crucial! We don't want them to think we're just good people. Romans 10 makes clear that verbal proclamation of the Word is God's means of creating faith. But Camp reminds us that preaching, sharing, teaching all are pointless without people who are willing to be "Jesus with skin on". Where the rubber meets the road love MUST go hand-in-hand with preaching and teaching and verbal proclamation of the Gospel.

Many of you are wondering if your efforts matter. You are having lunch with the same lady every Tuesday, going out of your way to get coffee at that shop where the owner lingers just a bit to see what book you're reading, wearing yourself out making sandwiches for the homeless, organizing a donation for the family who lost their home to a Christmas Eve fire. Or maybe you're changing diapers and teaching kids how to spell 2 syllable words and singing Jesus Loves Me while you do the dishes. All are manifestations of love. All are ways to be Jesus with skin on. Hang in there, beloved. If you're loving them too, then you have authenticity to tell them about Jesus.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. (Gal. 6:9-10)

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