Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Fulfilling our Resolves

To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power (2 Thess. 1:11)
Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word. (2 Thess. 2:16-17)
I blew it today.
I was too focused on myself, on the 12 hour sneezing fit I've been on, on the frustrating crowds at Wal-Mart, on feeling tired after not sleeping well last night. My self-centeredness set me up for a pity party which turned into a pizza party ... not good when I'm trying to lose weight and when food can be a spiritual battle for me. To make matters worse, I got mad at our cable/internet provider because of a series of their mistakes - mistakes which had us on the phone with them 3 times today. I tried not to take it out on the tech support guy the 3rd time, but I wasn't exactly walking in the Spirit either.
So much for my resolutions. Oh, I realize it's Dec. 31 and resolutions for 2009 start tomorrow. But today was just a great reminder of how far "my" resolutions will get me....a reminder of how much I need a Savior.
Which is why I am thrilled that these verses are in the Bible. In the past, my inabilities would lead me to think that I shouldn't resolve anything except to walk in the Spirit. Even now, I tend to have "goals" rather than resolutions.
But these verses encourage me that even my "resolves" or my desires for good work are meaningful ... when submitted to the power of God. It is He who ultimately can and will fulfill every resolve I make for good ... and who will by His power fulfill every work I undertake in faith. And it is He who will establish me in every good work I do and good word I speak.
So in my quiet time tomorrow, I'll make official some goals or resolutions of my heart - and submit them to Him for fulfillment, establishment, and power. Among other things, the cry of my heart is for:
* Intimacy with God - deeper quiet times and faithful prayer
* Relationship with others - more Mary, less Martha
* Self-Control
* A growing global perspective that keeps in mind what God is up to and what others are going through
* Quick obedience to His Word
* Lots and lots of love - even for cable companies :)
So, from my house to yours - Happy New Year. May He help you fulfill all your resolves for good in 2009.

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