Saturday, July 12, 2008

Bridge Builders

My absence from the blog the past week or so doesn't mean God hasn't been working in my life. Quite the contrary - He has been bringing together things that have stirred around in me for a while, coalescing them into a tangible, practical awareness:

We need bridge builders.

It's no secret to kingdom workers that there are two structures - the world of the field and the world of "church". Though they should be the same, they rarely are. For all practical purposes, things function differently in the two worlds. On the field there is unity among denominations and groups, international churches with mixed races, radical faith in God for healing, finances, transportation, serious prayer and lots of awareness of spiritual warfare. While the church occasionally comes close to this, it's usually within the confines of a small group who are kingdom-minded, or former field workers and the like. The average Christian may truly and sincerely be interested in kingdom work, but doesn't understand that world, and doesn't know much beyond writing a check and praying for "all the workers". Not a bad start, but not enough.

That's why I'm calling for bridge builders - people who feel at home in both worlds. Often when we are awakened to the implications of the Great Commission and determine we are not goers (at least for now), we get frustrated with the church world and glamorize the field world. Or we become "the m. person" at our church - thereby enabling them to check off a box and not get more involved.

We need to engage both worlds. We need to encourage kingdom workers and find out what their real needs are. We need to teach the church how to pray and encourage them that "keep the m's safe" isn't always the prayer that needs to be prayed. We need to rally our church to keep the support going even when the budget is tight, to inform about why research on UUPGs is just as important as evangelism, to keep the communication flowing. We need to be bridges ourselves and train others to do so.

The best New Testament example I can think of is Gaius. John wrote to him:

Beloved, it is a faithful thing you do in all your efforts for these brothers, strangers as they are, who testified to your love before the church. You will do well to send them on their journey in a manner worthy of God. For they have gone out for the sake of the name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. Therefore we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth. (3 John 5-8)

This speaks of more than financial support - the brothers testified of Gaius' LOVE. Gaius was apparently a significant person in his church - John exhorts him to greet "every one" of the friends. But he was also significant to those who went out "for the sake of the name". And John makes it clear - this is how we become "fellow workers for the truth".

If you are reading this as a field worker - please know that God is stirring in me specific ways to raise up bridge builders and be a bridge myself! I am praying that God will help you identify YOUR bridges!

If you are not a field worker but have been awakened to the cause, then please, seek to be a bridge. Seek to be a bridge builder to raise up more bridges in your church. The more I talk to workers the more vital I realize this role to be.

"Fellow workers for the truth." Hallelujah!

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