Today we begin almost 2 1/2 weeks of prayer for the most ethnically diverse nation on earth - with the most unreached people. It's a place with linguistic, cultural, and religious diversity like no other. It's also a place with a huge need for Jesus and amazing work going on by foreign and national missionaries as well as strong local churches. I hope you can see that we can't have a stereotype of India in our head. As we begin this season of intense focus on India, our first task is going to be to develop the attitude of a learner. God is going to teach us a lot about this country as we seek His heart!
For today, let's get a good overview and sing some praises to His name for what He's been up to in India! Glance through pages 405-446, then come back and spend some time reading the boxed information on pages 405-408, and the "Answers to Prayer". Then, since our focus for today is praising Him, let's get a picture of Indian worship by watching the brief video below, and then entering a time of praise and thankfulness based on the Answers to Prayer in Operation World!
My prayer for today: Lord
of all creation, we thank You for India, for its diversity and
uniqueness and the changes You have brought over the past century. Thank
You for the church in India and for the faithful witness of many over
the centuries. Thank You for the movement toward addressing the
inequities of the caste system and for the incredible witness of
Christians to reach the untouchables as well as bring holistic ministry
into Indian life. We praise You for the freedoms as well as the
persecution in India and for the truth that has been revealed through
the persecution in Orissa, Karnataka, and Gujarat. Oh Lord, we are
humbled and awed at the impact church planting and missions has had in
India. We are grateful for an Indian church that is taking the lead into
its own unreached areas. Thank You for the openness that exists in
India. Lord, we pour out our hearts to You in gratitude and praise You
for Your work that is beyond any one individual. You alone deserve the
glory, Father. In Jesus' name, amen.
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