Monday, February 09, 2009

Paul's Prayers, #15

And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. (Phil. 1:9-11)

Paul knew the "main thing" for believers. He had written about it in 1 Cor. 13: "...the greatest of these is love". And so it's not surprising that he makes a point of praying for the church to be filled with love.

Significantly, he doesn't just pray for warm fuzzies. He doesn't want love separated from truth. So he prays for abounding, overflowing love - with knowledge and discernment. To the Ephesians he warned to speak truth in love; for the Philippians he prays they will live love in truth. The motive is significant - to approve what is excellent, being pure, blameless, and fruitful for God's glory.

"Approving what is excellent" is a much harder thing to do, and a higher calling, than criticizing what is wrong. Anyone can see the problems; Paul wants their love and truth to lead them to exalt what is good and right - what is excellent. In this they will demonstrate purity, blamelessness, and fruitfulness.

I think Paul is basically telling them to keep "the main thing the main thing". If we focus on what God is doing - what is more excellent than that? - we will fill our hearts, minds, and calendars with the things of Him. This will greatly aid purity and blamelessness, as there will be no room for the things that promote unfruitfulness. Yet Paul draws it all back to love. This isn't about legalism or restrictions. It's about the overflow of love. When we truly love God and grasp His love for us we find that we long to focus on what pleases His heart.

How does this relate to becoming world Christians? I don't know how we can focus on what is excellent from a kingdom perspective without focusing on what God is doing around the world. When we see, for example, the dreams and visions He is giving people groups to reveal Himself to them and prepare them for the message of the Gospel, we grasp the current world situation in a much more "excellent" light. When we bring love, knowledge, and discernment together we find a sensitivity to His purposes that we didn't know we had. And we find ourselves wanting to be on mission with Him.

Prayer: Lord, fill us to overflowing with love coupled with knowledge and discernment. Help us to see things with Your eyes and approve what You are doing excellently in the world. Teach us how to live in purity, blamelessly before You, filled with good fruit for Your glory.

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