Saturday, July 12, 2008

Changing Chairs

I spent a day-and-a-half trying to be blessed by a new chair at work.

Someone's hand-me-down looked better than my old chair, so I tried it out. Unfortunately it was uncomfortable, and I found another possibility. This one had everything going for it - ergonomically correct, adjustable, and no stains on the arms :). I really wanted to make it work - but it was so uncomfortable that I finally switched back to my trusted old friend.

I'm not sure the old chair is really better - maybe my body needed to conform to that new chair. I just wasn't willing to go through the pain in the process. My back and backside were sore, and even my arms were tired from the different position. I remembered adjusting to an ergonomic keyboard and the eventual benefit that resulted - but this time the price was too great.

That got me thinking about change in our lives. Sometimes, where God takes us is so uncomfortable that we want the old place back - even if it's not where we needed to be. Sometimes, when God adjusts us, the price feels high, and we are glad we don't have the option to turn back, or else we might just run for the hills. We are His moveable treasure, but it can be painful to be uprooted.

I know several of you who are in this sort of situation. You know God is making a significant change, but the place in between the comfort of the old situation and the settling into the new is rubbing blisters on you! Let me encourage you - don't do what I did with my office chair. Let God define what "fits" best for you - and conform you to the new environment.

He is faithful, and will finish what HE has started!

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